+36 30 952 87 95 eidehramzi@ramsess.hu

Technical consultancy

Technical consultancy: do not run unnecessary circles!

Often happens that you call a technician, you pay the disembarkation fee, after 5 minutes it turns out that another specialist is needed, the client also pays the other ones disembarkation fee. And this is just a simple and “cheap” failure that can occur during construction or renovation. This redundant circle can be replaced with a good technical advice.

When can a technical advice still be beneficial?

  • There are cases when you can solve the given renovation – construction task yourself – with a little technical endowment  – you just need some support or guidance. During technical advice, you can be enriched with advices that might spare you from hiring another technician during construction.
  •  It can be also that you got lost in the maze of different authorities, regulations, & laws. In this topic you can also get help during the technical consultation.

Technical consultancy = personalized options in construction and renovation.

Are you unsure  and don’t  know what the construction involves, how much time & money will cost you? It occurs among my clients that they are uncertain, and they just go ahead and start the work while they do not have  enough vision onto either the professional stuff or the costs.
In this case, it is a good idea to consult an expert for more accurate information before you get involved and make less favorable decisions.

With a personalized technical advice – depending on the size of the project, you can save time and money during construction or renovation in a significant way.

The consultation fee will be determined during the preliminary conciliation.


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